
Round and round…

Design trends change with the times and I love that. I often look around to see what other people are doing and in recent times one particular style has caught my eye, particularly within the surf scene. Circular logos.

According to Banksy, “most things look better when you put them in a circle“. Ok, it was tongue-in-cheek when he said it, but personally, I actually do like things in circles. Not quite sure why. Maybe it’s a sense of completeness.

The Billabong Mundaka Challenge is underway in the Basque Country, sporting a funky stamp-like logo with a spaghetti western typeface and simple colours. It works. I like it. I wondered how they made it. Then I stumbled across a Photoshop tutorial and found my answer. ( When I find a logo like this and then realise it was made following a tutorial, it’s often a bit of a let-down. The design is somehow robbed of originality. But thinking about it more, when the pressure is on, tutorials like this can really help us save time, learn new skills and find a design solution that works. Naturally though, once the word is out, everyone starts doing it, and the once original design loses its flavour.


Billabong Mundaka Challenge

Billabong Mundaka Challenge

alternative collective

The Alternative Collective

The Alternative Collective is a new project launched by Joseba Attard (di-da), Ion Eizaguirre and Mikel Citores. The Alternative Collective (shortened to simply 'Alternative') experiments with different tools and techniques, to create and document lifestyle projects. From old Russian analog cameras to 'alternative' subjects, this is simply a place to experiment and document. "The voyage of discovery lies not in finding new landscapes, but in having new eyes" (M.Proust)...

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Liga bukaerako batzarra

di-dak urteak daramatza enpresa hobetzeko ahaleginetan, eta helburu horrexekin, batzarra egin genuen. Lankideok ez ezik, Eva Isasi (Premieko aholkularia), Maria Ruiz de Oña (Athleticeko psikologoa), Unai Melgosa (Athleticeko behe-mailako kategorietako entrenatzailea eta psikologoa) eta Felix Sarriugarte (entrenatzaile eta jokalari ohia) bertaratu ziren, futboleko talde batekin alderatuta, lan-taldea sendotze aldera. Hitzaldi motibagarri bat entzun eta gero, zenbait jarduera interesgarri egin genituen, eta goiz osoko partidari bukaera emateko, denok elkarrekin bazkaltzera joan ginen....

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