A ‘Basqueshake’

Project title: A “Basqueshake”  |  Client: AEK |  Date: 2013

Branding for the 18th Korrika, a national campaign that promotes the use of the Basque language. Taking into account the current socio-political situation in the Basque Country, the organisers of this , AEK, wanted to send out a clear message that challenges Basque people to participate actively in keeping the language alive. For the naming, we chose to use a play on words to come up with “Eman Euskara Elkarri”. In Basque it is a subtle hint at a handshake, replacing the word “hand” for “Basque”. A Basqueshake if you like, that is passed on from one person to another, strengthened by the symbol in the logotype and synonymous with the act .

The illustration that we designed features many different elements of Basque culture and in particular, ones that are unique to the Korrika event.

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