The Basque biosphere
The Seber Altube Basque school in Gernika want to inspire and motivate the people of their region to take pride in their linguistic heritage: 80% of the local population speak Basque and whatsmore in numerous dialiects, adding to Basque's colourful language mix. It could be said that as well as laying claim to the diverse and protected Urdaibai nature reserve, the Basque region of the Busturialdea is in itself a biosphere for the Basque language. These are concepts we took on board during the naming process for the Ibilaldia 2014 cultural campaign, playing on the words "biosfera" (Biosphere) and "bihotza" (heart) to come up with the slogan: Euskararen Bihozfera. (it could be loosly translated as "Basque's lovely biosphere"). The slogan coupled with a concise communication strategy provide the Ibilaldia 2014 with a platform from which to send out three clear messages with this campaign: 1. The Basque language is a collective creation...
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