Collective joy

The Irrien Lagunak children’s association saw a need to draw together under the different projects being offered by Basque people, that offer support to children with varying needs. A place where people can be informed of what projects exist and learn about how to support them. di-da was approached to put a face to the project and to give it an identity.

The project is based around the the creation of a network (in Basque) that highlights these different projects and resources, celebrating the collective, serving spirit of the people and volunteers involved. So far, 21 different associations have signed up to the network and it continues to be open to receive applications from new groups from all over the Basque Country. When a group signs, up, they are instantly connected to all the other members, ensuring maximum visibility, emphasising individual talents and skills, and therefore encouraging collaboration between individuals in order to address the needs of children in the best possible way.

With this in mind, we set about working on a strategic brand positioning and a corporate identity project. The identity needed to reflect the parent brand (Irrien Lagunak), but at the same time, be able to hold its own. We looked at different names and slogans that we could apply to this sub-brand – distinguishing words that would hold true to the values of the project.

We gave a lot of thought to the significance of the term ‘solidarity’ and to the Irrien Lagunak’s brand vision and values. It goes much further than simply ‘help’, ‘protection’ and ‘charity’. At the heart of this project is a sense of working together, and the joy that can be found in that. It is a model based on both giving and receiving, between two, three, four or hundreds of people. We finally settled on the two phrases:

The descriptive name of the project is “gizartegintza” (social action network) and the main slogan is “bizipoza auzolan” (looslely translated as ‘collective joyful living’).


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