
People that learn Basque and those that help them to learn, are superheroes in our eyes. They live among us, leading normal lives, and most of us are not even aware of the effort that they make, or of the great value that they are contributing to Basque society. That is why, in this campaign we wanted to highlight the importance of their work, and to call upon all Basque speakers in the community to support and encourage the learning process. In order to increase the number of people that speak Basque, more superheroes are needed. We all have the power to help, the difference is in whether or not you choose to. We played on the idea of superheroes, designing a campaign for  Euskaltzaleen Topagunea, that showcases these humble Basque speakers that give their time and energy into promoting a Basque-speaking population, and contributing to the survival of this...

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euskara praktikoa

Practical Basque

AEK Matrikulazio kanpaina 2013 from di-da on Vimeo. It's no secret that those that want to learn Basque require a practical solution. Socio-linguists confirm it too. The word on the street is that Basque is a difficult language to learn and according to many, it's "almost impossible to learn as an adult". Whatsmore, the teaching method is seen as being too formal and that there is a need for a more "applied method". It is also shown that most people that choose to learn Basque do so simply to be able to converse and not necessarily to acquire certificates and paperwork to prove their competency. AEK offers a solution that meets this need, with a proven track record to backup its claim. The AEK language schools have been teaching Basque for 30 years, helping over 50,000 people along the way. At AEK, students are immersed in Basque from day one,...

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Jakina! The online Basque Trivial Pursuit

Jakina is an online Basque version of Trivial Pursuit suitable for all ages that can be played individually or as a group. Whatsmore, prizes are up for grabs for the winner who answers the most questions correctly. Jakina tribiala was produced by Azkue fundazioa. They developed the idea and took it online. di-da was approached to be a part of the project, and we were happy to step in with the naming, logo design, and user interface design of the website. The programming and questions was taken care of by another company. Take a look, have a go and let us know what you think of Jakina! ...

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emun brand repositioning

EMUN brand repositioning

The EMUN cooperative was founded in 1997 with the aim of promoting the Basque language in the workplace. 15 years on EMUN's portfolio of services has diversified to include and cover language, culture, immigration and social inclusion. Consequently, EMUN approached di-da to develop a communication plan that would enable EMUN to make the significant step of strategically positioning itself as the leading consultancy in its field, and we of course, were happy to help. [vimeo_video id="68697078" height="" width=""]   Brand Audit We conducted an in-depth brand audit that led to clear and concise conclusions. From a competitive point of view, EMUN has key distinguishing characteristics: they are the market leaders in Basque language strategies and they live and breathe Basque culture and social inclusion. They have a strong brand image shaped by an approachable personality and in turn, companies are ready to invest in contracting EMUN to offer specialised training. From an identity perspective EMUN is seen as...

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The Basque biosphere

The Seber Altube Basque school in Gernika want to inspire and motivate the people of their region to take pride in their linguistic heritage: 80% of the local population speak Basque and whatsmore in numerous dialiects, adding to Basque's colourful language mix. It could be said that as well as laying claim to the diverse and protected Urdaibai nature reserve, the Basque region of the Busturialdea is in itself a biosphere for the Basque language. These are concepts we took on board during the naming process for the Ibilaldia 2014 cultural campaign, playing on the words "biosfera" (Biosphere) and "bihotza" (heart) to come up with the slogan: Euskararen Bihozfera. (it could be loosly translated as "Basque's lovely biosphere"). The slogan coupled with a concise communication strategy provide the Ibilaldia 2014 with a platform from which to send out three clear messages with this campaign: 1. The Basque language is a collective creation...

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