Communication talk at Ibaizabal School

Secondary school students from the Ibaizabal school in Durango were faced with the challenge of designing posters and leaflets that would be used to promote five different theatrical plays that would be performed in the Plateruena theatre during February. Design is something quite foreign to a lot of these students and so di-da was invited to help them out. Nagore Txintxurreta prepared a special workshop consisting of both theory and pratical exercises, in order to get the students thinking about communication, that would in turn help them when they get to the design process. During the theory process, Nagore got the students to realise that communication needs to be well thought-out and consistent across all its implementation. Students looked at how information is received, how the message that is being communicated needs to really hit home, and at the various elements that contribute to a successful message: typography, colour, format,...

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Knowing Arrasate

The Arrasate town hall education department, has put together six educational workbooks to help local children better understand their town's history. The collection entitled Herria ezagutzen (knowing your town) teaches about the town's origins, people of interest, local tales, songs, traditions and so on. The project also includes a guide for teachers as well as marked routes around the town that the children can follow. The project is the result of a collaboration between the town hall and Hik Hasi, (an association that works to provide informative educational material about the Basque Country). di-da was contracted to design and illustrate the six workbooks, and it was a pleasure to work alongside the Donostia-based illustrator, Aitziber Alonso. The workbooks are being distributed around the various schools in and around Arrasate as well as through social action groups. Whatsmore, from mid-October, they will also be available to view online on the Arrasate town hall website....

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bizipoza auzolan

Collective joy

The Irrien Lagunak children's association saw a need to draw together under the different projects being offered by Basque people, that offer support to children with varying needs. A place where people can be informed of what projects exist and learn about how to support them. di-da was approached to put a face to the project and to give it an identity. The project is based around the the creation of a network (in Basque) that highlights these different projects and resources, celebrating the collective, serving spirit of the people and volunteers involved. So far, 21 different associations have signed up to the network and it continues to be open to receive applications from new groups from all over the Basque Country. When a group signs, up, they are instantly connected to all the other members, ensuring maximum visibility, emphasising individual talents and skills, and therefore encouraging collaboration between individuals in order to address...

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Jakina! The online Basque Trivial Pursuit

Jakina is an online Basque version of Trivial Pursuit suitable for all ages that can be played individually or as a group. Whatsmore, prizes are up for grabs for the winner who answers the most questions correctly. Jakina tribiala was produced by Azkue fundazioa. They developed the idea and took it online. di-da was approached to be a part of the project, and we were happy to step in with the naming, logo design, and user interface design of the website. The programming and questions was taken care of by another company. Take a look, have a go and let us know what you think of Jakina! ...

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Skateistan revisited

This time last year we were captivated by a 10-minute documentary called Skateistan, put together by Grain Media. We contacted Grain to see if they would be happy for us to translate and sub-title the film into Basque, which they were. One year on, the project was featured on the BBC website, highlighting once more how something as simple as skateboarding is giving hope and joy to so many young Afghans, otherwise caught in the middle of a conflict not of their making. If you've not seen it already, check it out! ...

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