Secondary school students from the Ibaizabal school in Durango were faced with the challenge of designing posters and leaflets that would be used to promote five different theatrical plays that would be performed in the Plateruena theatre during February. Design is something quite foreign to a lot of these students and so di-da was invited to help them out.
Nagore Txintxurreta prepared a special workshop consisting of both theory and pratical exercises, in order to get the students thinking about communication, that would in turn help them when they get to the design process.
During the theory process, Nagore got the students to realise that communication needs to be well thought-out and consistent across all its implementation. Students looked at how information is received, how the message that is being communicated needs to really hit home, and at the various elements that contribute to a successful message: typography, colour, format, style, presentation etc. It was really key to stress the importance of consistency throughout any publicity campaign. In terms of what the students came up with, here are some of their examples applying different techniques including photography, illustration, collage etc. Whatever the technique and its complexity, the most important thing was to have a clear and unique idea.
We gave the students some pointers in terms of design, for example, defining the hierarchy of the different details that are included in the poster (title, date, time, venue, more information etc). Taking into account white space and margins to allow the different elements to breathe, making sure that elements are properly aligned and balanced, not using more than two different typefaces if possible to avoid confusion, and to make sure that the colour palette is well thought-out.
During the second half of the session, the practical part, we looked at the various designs that the students had come up with in groups. As well as naming each piece of work, they needed to transmit the essence of the production into the poster design and we helped them where we could in that process. We started the session by turning off the computers, taking out pens and paper, and seeing what we could create.
The students applied the advice given and translated their sketches into posters.
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