AEK Matrikulazio kanpaina 2013 from di-da on Vimeo.
It’s no secret that those that want to learn Basque require a practical solution. Socio-linguists confirm it too. The word on the street is that Basque is a difficult language to learn and according to many, it’s “almost impossible to learn as an adult”. Whatsmore, the teaching method is seen as being too formal and that there is a need for a more “applied method”. It is also shown that most people that choose to learn Basque do so simply to be able to converse and not necessarily to acquire certificates and paperwork to prove their competency.
AEK offers a solution that meets this need, with a proven track record to backup its claim. The AEK language schools have been teaching Basque for 30 years, helping over 50,000 people along the way. At AEK, students are immersed in Basque from day one, thanks to practical teaching methods, teaching the things that you really need to know within flexible modules and timetables.
So when we were asked to design their latest enrollment campaign, we looked to focus on something completely “practical”. We chose the post-it note, a humble companion to language students, who use the simple sticky pieces of paper to adorn fridges and household objects. We used the post-it notes throughout the campaign to draw attention to the services that AEK offer. In addition we armed the AEK schools with the necessary tools to carry out a guerrilla advertising campaign across the Basque Country.
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